Howard Wright News - 2010

Pike River Miners’ Relief Fund Trust
13 December 10
We have decided to make a donation to the Pike River Miners' Relief Fund Trust in lieu of sending Christmas cards to our customers this year. The Trust has been established to provide...
Designing Policy
10 November 10
FAST THINKING Magazine Randall Straw explains why Victoria is on the verge of a design-led revolution. New Zealand company Howard Wright Ltd was trundling along making basic well engineered...
M8 Intensive Care Beds At Armadale Kelmscott Hospital - WA
22 September 10
A new 'healing place' opens at Armadale-Kelmscott A new Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Armadale-Kelmscott Memorial Hospital (AKMH) will care for up to 500 patients a year.
Design the Key to Transformation
30 July 10
Overseas award gives Taranaki manufacturer confidence to expand into European market. Expand Bruce Moller says user feedback helped guide Howard Wright's design process. Photo /...
M8 Hospital Bed Wins Australian International Design Award
12 July 10
Anthony Batley, Research and Development Manager at Howard Wright Limited speaks to Open Forum's Kate Williamson about the M8 Medical Bed; winner of the Australian International Design Award of...
She'll Be Right, M8
11 June 10
Howard Wright wins top Aus­tralian Inter­na­tional Design Award with M8 med­ical bed. Howard Wright’s M8 crit­ical care med­ical bed has won its fourth design award...
NZ Company Wins International Design Award
05 June 10
A New Plymouth-based medical bed manufacturer has won the Australian International Design Award of the Year. Howard Wright's M8 Intensive Care was recognised for its outstanding design,...
Health Check
30 March 10
A journey towards self-improvement may be long and, at times, difficult; not taking the trip, however, could ultimately prove harder. So figured New Plymouth-based medical bed and stretcher maker...
Howard Wright Wins iF International Design Award
25 January 10
Howard Wright wins iF international design award for M8 medical bed Howard Wright’s M8 critical care medical bed has added a prestigious international iF design award to its line up of design...

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